My journey to healthy living and weight loss with juice fasting and eating raw (uncooked) foods.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Off again, On again
But, the other day I just got fed up again with the way I look, feel and my health problems. I have high blood pressure and have to take pills everyday to control it, and I have constant acid indigestion. I have trouble sleeping at night, I'm sick a lot and I feel like crap most of the time. I said to myself, "Who are you? Who do you want to be? What do you stand for? I love the way I feel about myself when I eat healthy. I feel like I'm doing something important, I'm taking a stand for something! So, I went back to a healthy way of eating again!
It's been 7 days now with no processed, junk or fast food. It wasn't really hard at all. I have to remember to shop for healthy food though. My husband will go to the grocery store and buy anything cheap, no matter how unhealthy it might be. I'm grateful that he shops of course, but I can't eat hardly anything that he buys. So I HAVE to get to a store that sells organic healthy food and then I'm okay once my shelves are stocked with healthy choices.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Benefits of the detox
I've lost 9 pounds though and I'm sleeping through the night without waking up at all, except for the early morning to go to the bathroom. I mean, I NEVER use to be able to sleep through the night without waking up! I would always get up at least 1-2 times to go to the bathroom, sometimes more. And even though the detox was hard (not eating solid food is difficult to say the least), I really feel now that since I worked so hard I don't want to blow it by eating the wrong things. Before the detox I would cheat a lot with cooked foods and sometimes things that were not so healthy for me. So I think the 6 days without solid food (3 days on water, 2 on juice and 1 smoothie day) has really helped get me to get back on the bandwagon and eat healthy, raw and natural foods again.
Would I do it again, yes! The benefits far outweigh the uncomfortableness and difficulty of it.
I'll try to do a juice or water fast at least once a week just to whip my body and mind into shape and keep me from eating the bad stuff. It helps you gain better control of your eating habits.
Oh, and I almost forgot...not only am I skinnier now, but my skin is much clearer and I've been getting tons of compliments on the way I look....younger, fresher, hotter!!! LOL...I'll take those compliments any day! You can't put a price on looker younger or hotter!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Day 6 Detoxing
I have lost 9 pounds so far in the last 6 days, so that's pretty cool. I don't know if I'll keep it off though after I start eating, but I plan to!
Today I started juice and veggie smoothies, man was it good to have some real food in my body, even though it was blended, not solid and I drank it instead of eating it. I seemed to have more energy and be back to my normal self. I wasn't really hungry today for solid food, but I still got cravings. Especially when I'm out and about I always want to eat of my weaknesses! But to my amazement, I stayed strong and didn't go out to eat today. I told myself that I've gone 5 1/2 days without solid food and that I would be able to eat out within a few days or so, so I could wait. I didn't want to ruin all of my hard work and sacrifice for the last 6 days!
I'm not sure what I'll do tomorrow. I might continue with just smoothies or I might cave in and eat a salad. It's Sunday and I know I'll probably want to go out to eat...we'll see. I still want to be very careful because I don't want to spoil what I've done this last week.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Detoxing Blues and Cravings!
Well, I'm still struggling with raw foods. I believe in eating foods in their natural state and I love the fresh and vibrant taste of fruits and veggies...but I'm still craving the bad stuff. Not so much sweets anymore, I think I've conquered that temptation for once in my life. But I find that I crave hamburgers!!! How disgusting is that!!! I don't know what's wrong with me, and it bugs me to no end to think that I would even want a hamburger. Here's the thing, I'm not against eating meat altogether. I believe that God created some animals for us to eat...BUT I have a huge problem with factory farming and the way the animals are treated. Plus most meat is full of hormones, antibiotics and other nasty stuff. So why do I crave the darn things! I'm wondering if I'm low in iron or something else that would make me want them...or is it just that my family eats them and I am tempted when I see them indulging?
Anyway, I've decided to go on a detox. I'm not really following any specific program, I made up my own. I'm doing 3 days of water (with a slice of lemon in it), 3 days of organic juice and 3 days of just smoothies. Then on the 10th day I will introduce small amounts of food, either fresh fruit or a small salad. I'm really hoping that this will "kick" me of my cravings for meat, once and for all.
Well today is my fourth day, 3 days on water and today, just juice. The juice has helped me feel stronger today. Yesterday I was so weak, I really didn't want to do anything. But I had a horseback riding lesson and instead of canceling it I went. Well, let me tell you, it was hard. Grooming the horse in the hot sun and then riding was just too hard on my body, I had to sit down and take a break 3 times. I almost felt like I was going to be sick and faint.
Luckily I had read that you will get tired and lethargic and sometimes it's just better to take a break from everything and rest, so I wasn't freaked out, and I didn't want to give up just because I felt bad.
Today was much better. I started drinking juice and it made me feel better. But I did get very hungry today and my family had burgers again....ugh!!! When will it ever stop!!
I'll let you know how it's going! I'm off to watch "Hell's Kitchen" with the final three!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
More on my journey - March 18
One thing I am going to change is to stop beating myself up over not eating 100% raw everyday. I keep thinking, "what's wrong with me", I know this is the best and healthiest way to eat, but then I eat something cooked or unhealthy and I hate myself. But what I'm realizing is that I'm eating 100% healthier than what I was! I mean, I was eating processed, microwavable, and sugary junk food, day in and day out. Now I eat a green smoothies everyday...lots of salads, veggies, nuts and other goodies. So even if I eat something cooked or treat myself to Mexican food sometimes, I still think I'm doing 100% better than I was. So I'm going to stop "knocking myself" and feel good about the positive changes I have made. My goal is still to eat 100% raw as many days as I can, but I think if I can eat 100% raw for most of my meals, that is something to feel good about!!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Struggling with eating cooked foods!
Don't get me wrong. I still totally believe 100% in eating natural, healthy, good for you foods; fruits, veggies, seeds and nuts. I'm not advocating going back to eating processed, canned, microwavable foods....heaven forbid! But, I'm just trying to adjust more of my diet to eating raw.
I've discovered that eating just salads, fruit and smoothies is not enough. I have to have some sort of a meal. And what I've discovered is that I need to make a plate of something that resembles dinner or lunch. There are tons of raw food recipes online and I plan to implement a new one as often as I can. My first new raw food recipe was "Sushi rolls". It's made without the use of rice. You just use sliced avocado and cucumber, grated carrots and nori sheets (seaweed).
Wrap the veggies in the sheets, sprinkle with soy sauce and you have raw Sushi (minus the fish).
It's so good, I didn't even miss the rice. That's exactly what I needed. Pretty soon I'll have a whole repertoire of raw recipes to keep my diet interesting.
Funny thing though....I've noticed that even though I eat a cooked item each day, the taste just doesn't satisfy me like it used to. When I eat a raw fruit or vegetable, I can really taste it! I mean like I've never tasted food before. It has a life, vibrant taste, that dances on your tongue and satisfies your palette. You have to ADD ingredients to cooked food to make it palatable. We add tons of salt, pepper, butter, spices and condiments to our cooked food. But you notice how when you eat a raw apple or carrot, you don't have to add anything to it? It is delicious on it's own!
I'm reading Victoria Boutenko's book, 12 Steps to Raw Food. It's given me a lot of insight, especially how we are actually addicted to cooked foods and crave them.
I knew going raw would be hard. But I've seen so many benefits from it already that I am really pushing myself to eat more and more of my meals raw. Some of the difference I've seen already are:
- sleeping more soundly and throughout the night without waking up
- weight loss
- fresher, clearer skin
- nails growing faster, becoming stronger and looking better
- more energy
- hair growing faster
One even more dramatic change is an infection I've had on my legs for over 6 months now. I've been on antibiotics twice and a steroid cream, only to have the infection partially clear up and come back again. The last couple of days I've noticed that it is not itching as much and seems clearer and not as red. I believe that if I continue with eating this way, it will clear up completely!
One more thing before I quit today. I think it is extremely important that you arm yourself with knowledge and others who have embraced this lifestyle. Read lots of books on the subject (you can get most of your books from the library and they are free). Get online and read blogs, join raw food chat rooms, forums, go to lectures...anything and everything you can to help you along the path to raw food freedom!
Lots of love and fruitti kisses!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
The Green Smoothie
I found the most wonderful website for women, The Raw Divas. It's so encouraging and enlightening. It's chock full of recipes, ideas, insights, stories and everything you need to help you get started on your journey to a new you. They have a variety of different programs you can sign up for where they send you an encouraging email everyday with links to some of their pages with more great information. Some are free, the 3-day Green Smoothie challenge is only $5.00.
I signed up for the smoothie challenge, but I actually started making and eating Green Smoothies before the challenge even started. Smoothies are a great and fun way to get a huge dose of your daily requirements for fruits and veggies. Plus you can add a bunch of different greens into your smoothie and get even more power packed nutrients. I don't really have a favorite yet, I'm still trying so many different combinations of fruit and greens. I bought some Kale and put that into a couple of my smoothies. I didn't even know what kale was, nor had I ever eaten before.
The benefits of greens:
Dark green leafy vegetables are, calorie for calorie, perhaps the most concentrated source of nutrition of any food. They are a rich source of minerals (including iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium) and vitamins, including vitamins K, C, E, and many of the B vitamins. They also provide a variety of phytonutrients including beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which protect our cells from damage and our eyes from age-related problems, among many other effects. Dark green leaves even contain small , amounts of Omega-3 fats. (taken from, author Laura Dolson).
Don't be afraid to try them. So far I've found that the fruit covers the taste of most of the greens and you don't really notice them (some are stronger than others). Also, start out with a small amount of greens and then increase them as you learn to love them more. If the green color turns you off, which for most people it does, try sipping it through a straw, or put the drink into a cup with a lid and straw.
My favorite so far is:
2 bananas
1 apple
a handful of berries (strawberry, blueberry, blackberry)
1-2 handfuls of spinach or kale (more or less to taste)
2 cups of ice
30 days_the beginning of Raw Food
It's been almost 30 days now since I started my new lifestyle. I'm going to stop saying diet because it has such a bad cogitation. Diet is a four letter word. We're forever on one and then were off one. It's a vicious cycle.
A couple of weeks ago I felt like I wasn't loosing weight fast enough so I decided to up the ante. I got into eating "raw" living foods. I started eating less and less cooked foods and started making myself eat more raw food, salads, veggies, fruit, nuts and seeds. I haven't gone 100% raw yet, I still eat some cooked foods, but if I do, its all natural, organic, whole wheat choices.
I've been reading a lot on the Internet about the benefits of eating raw. Benefits like, weight loss, clearer skin, looking younger, improved memory, better concentration, more energy and much , much more. So I decided to do it myself. I mean what can be more natural and normal than eating close to the earth and close to the way God intended for us? God has given us a wonderful abundance of foods to choose from, why eat anything else? Here's a quote I got from the Raw Divas website,
"Why not trust the Creator of human life with food as well? Why not recognize the laws of nature instead of looking for a way to go against them? To process food is an arrogant notion - we seem to be saying that God’s menu needs improvement."
Sorry divas, I can't remember which one of you said this.
Most of the food in the grocery store that we consume is overly processed, filled with preservatives, dyes and carp that we shouldn't have in our bodies and that we were not intended to ever eat. We humans mess everything up. In our selfish need to make things faster and easier, we have stripped our foods of vital life giving properties! We desperately need the minerals, vitamins and enzymes that we get from raw uncooked food, it is vital for our health and life! Again from the Raw Divas website:
Okay, so I've discovered another trigger that makes me want to eat bad foods.
I got mad at my husband the other day, I mean really mad. I was frustrated and boy did I want to eat. I wanted to shove every fattening thing into my mouth that I could find, it was really hard not to, but I resisted. I popped some popcorn (okay, not a raw food), and I ate that instead (again, another victory).
I went to Souplantation the other day and the muffins looked awfully good. But again I didn't eat any...I took one bit of a piece of Indian grain bread, but I didn't want it after that and I pushed it aside and I didn't eat it.
I've been really hungry the last couple of days. I haven't cheated, it's not that. But it might have something to do with the fact that my period lasted 8 days and on the 9th day I was still having cramps. I definitely think my hormones affect my appetite and the way I feel.
I'm eating about 50% raw now. A couple of years ago I went on a "diet" and I ate almost all fruits and veggies. I lost weight and everyone said I looked so fresh and my hair was even shiny. (Note: that diet didn't stick, if it did I would have been writing about it by now!) I didn't realize back then that I was eating raw, but I was. Now I know why I looked and felt so much better.
My goal is for 75-100% raw. I need to start getting recipes so that I can start making more interesting dishes. If I get variety in my diet, I think I'll be more successful. I just bought Carol Alt's book, "Eating in the Raw". I read the entire thing. There aren't a lot of recipes in it, but it's a start. There are tons of recipes on the Internet though, so no worries there.
3 weeks and I'm finally on my way!
It's been 24 days now (over 3 weeks) and I've been eating healthy everyday. I stopped eating ALL junk food and I have not gone back. I've been eating lots of fruit and vegetables, salads, eggs, and nuts. I have had some dinners, like stew, falafels and other stuff., but all homemade cooked foods and made with natural ingredients. My husband and I went to a buffet the other day and I did excellent! (Yeah, I'm so proud of myself). I ate salad, salmon, an avocado with crab salad and veggies. I didn't even eat any sweets at all for dessert...I ate all fruit only for dessert!
God gave me a revelation one day when I was in the car with my family. I had to get to the point where I didn't want chocolate or sweets anymore. Not that I couldn't have them (meaning I really wanted them, but couldn't have them). No, I had to get to the point that I didn't want them anymore. You know it's funny...every since I said that out loud and God gave me the that heavy, reavy...I haven't wanted my old treats as much. It's amazing!
Check this out. I've had chocolate candy bars in the fridge since Christmas day, and I have not eaten any of them! If you know me, you know that isn't like me at all! If there is chocolate or anything sweet in the house, I eat it. And not just one piece, the whole thing, the whole bag of candy or cookies! If you know me, you know that is a miracle for me. Praise the Lord, thank you Jesus!
Now here's the second part to the chocolate tale:
We went to Disneyland about a week ago, and I wanted a churro and a piece of fudge. Not because I was hungry, but just because we were there. I always get a churro and a piece of fudge when I'm at Disneyland. The same feeling came over me when I was at the mall, I wanted a piece of See's Candy and a Cinnabon. Again, not because I was hungry, but just because I was there and that's what I always used to get. Good news, I didn't eat any of those things, no churro, fudge, Sees candy or Cinnabon. I just told myself no, I don't eat that way anymore. I was tempted (not a lot really), but it was actually pretty easy to resist.
So I've discovered that "places" can be a trigger. An old habit of always eating this or that...just because I'm at "that" place. The movies can be another "place" (popcorn)! I'll have to replace the old habits with new ones. I need to find other good, healthy things to eat to replace the old ones. Some of my ideas and favorites are, smoothies and wheatgrass shots.
Another period. I was craving meat yesterday. Meat, that's really weird for me luckily I didn't give in, but i did have two cheese quesadillas and some yogurt. I was trying to find substitutes, things that my body needed at that time. (I'll have to find out more and food cravings and periods).
I'm definitely more in tune with my body now. My needs, cravings and desires.
Just one more quick note that I haven't mentioned before. I know I've lost a few pounds. My pants and tops are little looser and I don't get heartburn anymore. Hooray for that!
Small beginnings_3 days in
Well, it's been over a month since I started my "diet" journal and needless to say, I did not stick with the program. That is very typical for me. I get really excited about starting a new diet, I talk about it a lot, but then it never gets off of the ground. But now I want to start again and there's no day like today.
I started eating healthy 3 days ago. I think I got inspired by some of the Christmas gifts I got, Burt's Bees products, organic pillowcases (I know, weird, huh?) and a cute purse that says "Recycle" on it.
I get really excited when I think about going back to my 'grassroots', my old hippie days. I remember when I first discovered health foods back in 1979 at a yoga class I took in college. They gave us a lot of organic healthy recipes and I really liked them. I remember going to this little cafe that served sandwiches in Pita bread, with avocado and alfalfa sprouts inside. I fell in love with alfalfa sprouts then. I remember feeling so good about myself, my healthy, alternative lifestyle.
I continued eating healthy for about a year, through my pregnancy with my first son and a little thereafter. I started reading Adele Davis' books. I even made the barely tolerable "Pep Up" drink. Does anybody remember that drink?
Through the years I've gone back and tried eating healthy, time and time again, but I was never able to stick with it. I think my love for sweets and sugar is so strong that it pulls me back every time. I'll eat really healthy for several weeks, or even months and then something triggers me and I go back to my old way of eating.
I'm 52 years old, but I know I can change. I don't have to always be fat. I can be healthier, look better, have fresher and healthier looking skin and hair, look younger, feel better and have more energy. And I am going to fit into normal size clothing, buy cute clothes and feel good again!
I want to make better, wiser choices. I want to live and live life more abundantly, just like Jesus promised us!
My Confession - The beginning
I want to lose weight!
I want to be healthier!
I want to live longer!
I'm overweight and I don't like it! I hate the way I look and feel My weight has caused me to have high blood pressure and constant heartburn. It affects the way I feel everyday.
I feel embarrassed and ashamed. I don't even like going out in public because I hate the way I look and fell. All of my clothes are getting really tight and they look like crap on me.
I know that I have abused my body and not taken care of it. God gave me this body and i am abusing it. He's given me good healthy food to eat and I've chosen to eat junk (crap)! Lord forgive me! I want to change!
I'm sick and tired of the way I look and feel and I want to change. Lord help me!
My short term goals:
1) Pray each day for God's help
2) Stop eating junk! Chips, candy, Little Debbies, etc. (what the world has made)
3) Eat what is healthy for me (what God made)
- fruits and vegetables
- organic diary products in moderation
- no white flour (breads, tortillas, rolls, etc.)
- no white sugar
- cut out all fried foods
- cut down or out, all processed foods.
Think fresh! Think natural! Think God!
4) Exercise! What kind I'm not really sure yet, but here are some of my ideas:
- daily walk
- swimming
- racquetball
- dancing
- playing drums
- horseback riding
- DDR with my daughter
Some inspiring thoughts form Joel Osteen:
- This is where I am but this is not who I am!
- Do not take ownership of my being overweight.
- I might be fat, but this is only temporary.
- Reprogram my thinking. Don't exaggerate my situation, this is not permanent.
- God's favor will last a lifetime.
- Don't say or believe the lie, "I will always be fat!" That is a lie!