Monday, September 27, 2010

I'm Back.....Again! Sept. 27,2010

Well, as you can tell from my last post, its' been 9 months since I've posted anything to my Blog. That pretty much tells me that I haven't stayed on my healthy eating plan and that I cheated and went back to my old SAD (Standard American Diet) way of eating. Geeezzz....this is a constant battle for me!

Well, I'm eating healthy again, it's been 7 weeks since I started. I've only lost 10 pounds so all came off within the first week, but since then. body has already stabilized, which I'm not very happy about! But I do feel good about the way I'm eating and how I feel. I'm eating almost ALL 100% organic foods, even though they may be tortilla chips or enchiladas. I try not to eat anything unless it's organic. And I'm not making smoothies everyday like I used to...I just eat them once or twice a week. I know I will lose more weight once I start eating more smoothies and fruits and veggies. Don't get me wrong, I have tons of fruit and veggies in the house and I eat them daily, but I still like cooked foods. They are warm and comforting. I don't get the same satisfied feeling from eating an orange as I do eating a cooked egg sandwich!

I'm also walking about 3-4 days a week. My husband and I walk about 1 mile a night, walking the dogs. It feels really good, but again, no more weight loss. I'm really surprised.

But for now, I'm happy with the changes I've made and I hope to continue with this healthy way of eating and lifestyle.

I'm going in for surgery in a few weeks and it will take a few weeks to recover, so I'm not sure how well I'll be able to stay eating this way. I'm guessing I'll want comfort food...and I won't be able to do my nightly walks...I'll be confined to bed for awhile. I'll post more on that as it happens.

I'd want to find out more about the Gerson therapy and try that out. I'm healthy and I don't have any major diseases (my surgery will be to remove fibroid tumors), but I would like to go out for preventive measures. I'll post more on that once I find out about it.

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