It’s been a few weeks since I’ve written in my blog. Why, probably because I haven’t been doing
very well. I ended my juice fast on day
12. I was fine with that, I felt like it
was time to move on and start learning how to eat “raw”. I was doing fine and eating all raw for 4
days start and then it hit me! I started
having terrible pain in my bladder (from my IC disease). I didn’t even have my pills with me. I never leave the house without my pills (ibuprofen
and Vicoden), but I honestly thought I was healed and that I wouldn’t need them
anymore, apparently not. I’m okay with
that. I guess it’s just not God’s timing yet for me to be healed. I’m thinking that the pain started because I
had made a Jicama salad sprinkled with lime juice and dressing made with orange
juice. I’m not supposed to be eating any
citrus, but again, I thought I would be fine.
I continued to have pain everyday for 8 days start. I had to take my pills all day long! Plus I
wasn’t sleeping well at night. I was depressed
and not eating as well as I should have of. I was still eating about 50% raw,
but when I’m depressed and in pain, I want comfort food. So I was eating cooked
food. Then of course I don’t lose weight and wonder why? Duh! Because I can’t
eat cooked foods; noodles, rice and other stuff and expect to lose weight.
I’m doing much better now.
I had a couple of days with no pain, a good night’s sleep and I’m
feeling much better. I talked to my
daughter and she encouraged me and told me it would take time for me to learn
to eat all raw. She’s right. It won’t
happen for me overnight.
I threw out all of my nuts and seeds and the cocoa/coconut
fudge I had made. I realized that I was
eating way too many calories with these foods and that they would have to go
for now until I lost all of the weight that I wanted. Then I can re introduce them into my diet a
little at a time.
Conclusion, I'm not giving up! I'm going to continue eating raw every meal that I can and take each day and each meal, one at a time, with God's help!
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