Thursday, January 31, 2013

Losing Weight, Getting Healthy God's Way

Gosh, I can't believe it's been 3 years since I've posted anything new.  Part of the reason why is because I'm such a private person and it's hard for me to share my personal feelings with "the world".  But my prayer is that I will be able to help someone else in their journey as God helps me along mine!

I have decided to go on a juice fast again.  Why, because I am overweight again.  I’ve gained back a bunch of the weight I lost on my last fast and lifestyle change. It lasted for a good while, but my new lifestyle went back to my old lifestyle and that’s why I gained back all of those pounds.

Plus, I’m sick.  I have terrible hot flashes daily, I have a bump on my knee and it is tender and sore and I have trouble moving it sometimes.  I have a bladder disease called Interstitial Cystitis which is basically painful inflammation of the bladder.  I’m not in pain everyday but when I do have an “attack”, that’s what I like to call it, it’s bad and I’m in bed for hours with terrible pain.

I want to take control of my health and my weight.  This time with God’s help.  I think in the past I prayed some about my diet, but not faithfully or seriously.  I realize now that I CAN’T do this alone.  I know because I’ve tried many times to lose weight, only to gain it back again.  My willpower was not enough.  I need God!